Get accurate plumbing, piping and HVAC pricing to help you win more jobs.
Our huge product and pricing database can be used on its own, or can update your plumbing, piping and HVAC estimating systems so that you can bid faster and with the precision that gets you the job.
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Estimating construction costs is so much easier than it used to be! The old way had you calling your supplier, or worse, just using outdated prices and applying complicated math so you could enter it into your plumbing, piping or HVAC estimating software. Using TRA-SER relieves the burden and provides the accurate plumbing pricing you need to land more jobs.
Imagine submitting a huge list of plumbing and mechanical materials to your supplier and getting pricing back in seconds, not days. The tool is Supplier Xchange and it's available for free within TRA-SER. Contractors rely on it: millions of items are priced through Supplier Xchange each year. Distributors love it: see a list of participating branch locations.
Once you’ve got the pricing you need, TRA-SER makes it easy to plug right into your estimating software because it’s compatible with 20 systems including all the major ones. (see list below)
Top Benefits

Supplier Xchange Speed
Dramatically speed up your bidding process by connecting to supplier’s pricing data in just seconds. This is not generic pricing - it’s specific to your company, so it’s what you’d actually pay. There’s never been an easier way to get accurate prices into a bid!

Updates Estimating System
Don’t do more work than necessary - simply import up-to-date pricing right into your plumbing/mechanical and HVAC estimating system. Got prices directly from your distributor using Supplier Xchange? Those go right in too.

Accurate Product Data
TRA-SER includes all the pricing you need however you calculate for your estimates, detailed descriptions, pictures, and a handy price history section.

Bonus Data
You also get access to item catalog pages, installation instructions, and specification details.
Additional Benefits
- Get company-specific pricing directly from your suppliers in just seconds
- Item data includes not only bid pricing but images, mfr catalog pages, installation instructions and specification details
- Updates your estimating system with current data
- Average market pricing column allows for more accurate estimating
- Energy Star-certified items are marked to help your project attain LEED® certification
- Cross-references allow you to find alternative items easily
- Links to QuickBooks® accounting program and exports into Microsoft® Excel