nVent CADDY: Save Time with Prefab

The idea of prefabrication in the construction industry is nothing new, though there is often confusion around what the term describes. “Prefabrication” is often used interchangeably with terms like “modular” and “off-site construction.” Fundamentally, prefabrication means taking labor that would normally need to be completed in the field and moving those operations into a shop or manufacturing environment to save time and money. nVent CADDY understands how beneficial adoption of prefabrication can be in the face of modern construction industry challenges.

One benefit of prefabrication is that access to the job site is not necessary to make progress. Regardless of how it is implemented, prefabricated construction is about gaining efficiency and minimizing costs, and its popularity has only increased in response to industry-wide trends.

Skilled Labor Shortage

It’s no secret that skilled tradespeople are in high demand, and many contractors are frustrated they are unable to find qualified, reliable help. As a result, there are two problems in the industry today: 1) not enough skilled workers to get jobs done within tight timeframes, and 2) quality control issues when labor is completed by those who lack the proper experience. Luckily, prefabrication can help with both issues.

By conducting a significant amount of the labor required for a project at a prefabrication shop or manufacturing facility, there is less need for specific skilled tradespeople on a job site at all times. Those who are on-site can spend their time either on highly technical tasks or on streamlined, simplified installation tasks.

Accelerated Timelines

As competition increases for construction jobs, project bids are becoming more aggressive, project timelines are being shortened and profit margins are being squeezed. Winning requires a mix of the right skillsets, easy-to-use materials and process efficiencies that allow contractors to meet tight deadlines. When speed is critical, prefabrication can again offer significant benefits, including:

  • More lead-time. Contractors can accomplish more before even arriving on the job site when they begin assembly at prefabrication shops or manufacturing facilities.
  • Less downtime. Laborers can work in the prefabrication shop when not out on service calls, filling gaps in their schedules and staying ahead of demand for their skills.
  • Scheduling flexibility. When it’s difficult or dangerous for a contracting crew to be on a job site because another group of tradespeople are working, when city ordinances restrict job site activity during certain hours, or when building occupants might be disturbed by noise and dust, prefabrication allows progress to still be made.

Safety Concerns

Nearly every business lists “safety” as a top priority, and thanks to increased awareness of job site risks and increased regulation, many are working hard to improve the safety of today’s workers. That often means minimizing incidences of risky behavior, whether by decreasing time spent on ladders and lifts, removing opportunities for lacerations, decreasing on-site use of flames, or other adjustments. By moving riskier activities to controlled, well-monitored environments staffed by seasoned professionals, prefabrication can have a positive impact on safety.

How to Make the Most of Prefabrication

While it might sound like taking advantage of prefabrication requires a large scope of operations, size is less important than having leadership with the right mindset. The industry is evolving, and those willing to adapt to new realities will be best prepared to thrive.

Whereas large companies might be able to move more manufacturing in-house or more easily start prefabrication shops, smaller companies may be even better suited to adopt innovative procedures in a nimble manner. There’s opportunity through adoption of prefabrication for any contracting firm willing to make the necessary process adjustment.

Having someone designing, assembling and kitting entire electrical systems is not required to benefit from prefabricated solutions. The only requirement is recognizing that industry trends are pointing toward prefabrication and determining to what degree of adoption makes sense to promote long-term success. There may be an adjustment period, but the benefits will soon become clear.

Have questions about prefabricated solutions? Learn more about how nVent CADDY partners with contractors to provide the prefabricated solutions they need to reduce costs and operate efficiently: https://www.nvent.com/en-us/products/caddy-prefab

Learn about new nVent CADDY time-saving product solutions: https://go.nvent.com/caddynewproducts.